Beachcombing with Intent!
Wednesday 28th August 11.30-2.00pm.
Covehithe and Benacre are among the wildest and most attractive parts of Suffolk’s coast, a 20 minute walk from the nearest car park or habitation. The beaches are a mix of pebbles and sand backed by steadily eroding sandy cliffs pitted with the nests of Sand-Martins.
Please bring a picnic with you. Seating on uprooted trees half-buried in the sand is available, as is more conventional seating.
Inveterate beach-comber Simon Raven will facilitate this beach-combing event close to Benacre Broad. Meet at St. Andrew’s Church, Covehithe at 11.30am. Roadside parking is available on both of the approach roads to the church.
Simon will give a short introduction to beachcombing as a source of ideas for creativity, whether it’s for acting out in situ or gathering materials for further development at home.
We will then walk from the church along the cliff path to Benacre Broad (approximately ¾ mile – following safety guidelines) where we will use ‘quadrats’ as a means of getting our eyes more accustomed to seeing potential treasures at our feet. This will be followed by a playful task designed to get participants into their inner creative zone before releasing everyone to develop ideas and look for possible materials that might become the basis for developing further ideas at home.
For those who would like to combine the afternoon with a longer return walk, it will be close to low-tide so a walk south along the beach will be perfectly possible. Approximately 2 miles returning north via a footpath from where the cliffs come to a gentle stop until the roadside parking area is reached near St Andrews Church. Otherwise participants can return to their cars along the cliff top path from Benacre Broad which is the way that they came from.
Please book below. W&BA members £6 / non-members £8 / children 16 or under – FREE. Well behaved dogs welcome.