A memorial tea-party and exhibition for Guy Richardson.
At the Art Gallery, 102 High Street Lowestoft NR32 1XW
for the weekend of 9th – 10th September
Exhibition both days Sat 9th and Sun 10th 11 – 4. Tea-party Sat 9th 2pm.
Lowestoft artist, puppeteer and teacher Guy Richardson died in September 2021. As there
was no public funeral or memorial event at the time, his friends very much missed having
the opportunity to say goodbye to him and celebrate his life as an artist. We are putting on
an exhibition of Guy’s many and varied pieces of work in the week of what would have
been his 90th birthday. The exhibition will include some of his peepshows, sculptures,
Christmas cards, puppets, drawings, and photos. All friends are invited to come, and share
memories or find out more about this marvellous man.
Contact info@nutmegpuppet.co.uk or meg on 07769 691917 for further information.