I founded Nutmeg Puppet Co in 1979 and with a group of actors, theatre directors and writers, composers, musicians and visual artists have produced shows for schools, small theatres and festivals since then. I have also trained young makers and performers on the job. We worked for the Broads Authority for over 20 years, making and touring puppet shows based on considerable research and inspired by the ecology, plants, animals, social history, and folk tales of the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads. We also specialise in shadow puppetry, running workshops and making shows for adults and children. I make short films (Spooky Folk) and have taught animation (The Sound of Wangford). With Jenny Nutbeam I have made textile hangings for environmental organisations. I work with natural materials, leading family workshops to make puppet characters – animals, people, mysterious beings – and more recently creating installations (Waveney River Sculpture Trail, Craftco window, Southwold). A strong focus of my work has always been to try to re-engage people with the natural world, and to encourage children and adults to make things well using proper hand-tools. I teach the same methods as I use in my own installations.
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