I live 250 metres from the glorious North Sea and beautiful Pakefield Beach.My working life was spent in education. Now I love walking, talking and writing. ‘Confessions of a Dutch Reading Club’ was my first novel (Patricia van Stratum 2011). This was followed by ‘Reading Pictures’, a collection of fictional short stories set in Lowestoft (2016) Now I’m into poetry. In January I began an online poetry course with The Writers’ Centre In Norwich. I have performed some of my pieces at The Seagull Theatre in Pakefield. I am a member of Kirkley Village Writers, Pakefield Planters and the Marina’s, Next Stagers Theatre Group. In all of these settings it is a great privilege to work with so many talented, creative and inspirational people. I frequently visit all three of our theatres and my regular treat is to go the Ferini Art Gallery in Pakefield. Here local artists can display their work in this wonderful coastal gallery. It’s a great setting for a number of activities as well as a quiet place to enjoy the skills and knowledge of its talented curator.