The George Farnham Gallery is hosting a solo show for Ruth McCabe’s work, between 3 and 21 October. This Saxmundham Gallery has recently been awarded 2023 winner for Best Independent Gallery in Suffolk, and Ruth is delighted that Gary and Michael will be curating and showcasing her work for ’Shore Lines’.
The exhibition will feature a selection of oils, watercolours and collage inspired by Ruth’s love of this edgy, vulnerable east coast, and of sea swimming through the year.
Undergraduate years in Botany and Zoology informed her about the importance of natural sea defences such as saltmarsh, and some of the work in the show celebrates these habitats and the role they play: so important now we have rising sea levels and climate change generating more frequent and powerful storm surges.
On the more playful side, Ruth has made a series of small, perfectly priced collaged pieces inspired by her experience of sea swimming as part of the brilliant group of human beings that is ’Sole Bay Swimmers.’ The latest of these collages is called ‘Hurry up Les’ and is shown here.