A show based on the life of Sir Samuel Morton Peto, considered the forefather of modern Lowestoft, will take place at the Seagull Theatre on Thursday 18th May.
Following the success of a heritage research project which focussed on Peto bringing the railway to Lowestoft 175 years ago, creative arts organisation The Voice Cloud are hosting Peto, a performance based upon the discoveries made through this research.
For the first time, Peto‘s story will be dramatised onstage in this unique production, revealing the man responsible for the town’s development, infrastructure and prosperity during Victorian times – the arrival of rail to the town, port status and local architecture.
Peto will bring together both professional actors and local community musicians to celebrate the unique heritage and history of Lowestoft. The show will explore his obsession with (and philanthropy for) Lowestoft as well as his lesser-known financial downfall and eventual demise in obscurity, in a show which is accompanied by traditional folk music and the Victorian seaside entertainment which the tourists who visited Lowestoft would have enjoyed.
Tickets are £6 and available from the Seagull Theatre box office on 01502 589726 or online at www.theseagull.co.uk.